Wednesday 13 July 2016

Götz doll LAURETTA - Götz Puppe LAURETTA


In this blog I want to show my Götz doll Collection.  I started my collection  with Kidz'n Cats dolls of the designer Sonja Hartmann until I discovered (in my opinion much nicer) Götz dolls. I sold most of my Kidz'n Cats dolls to save some money for my new dolls.

I immediately fell in love with one special Sissel Skille face mold. The first doll I bought  with this face was Charlotte - a Happy Kidz play doll, vinyl body and multi-jointed - a new doll of the year 2016. But when I discoverd some older dolls with the same face mold, I realized, that the former dolls are even nicer. I like the bodys which are called "Hannah-body" more than the modern multi-jointed bodys.

There was a very beautiful collection of (I think) eight dolls, which are produced in Germany in the years 2002 and 2003.

They are
1. NANETTE  2002, limited Christmas Edition with Teddybear
2. BECKY 2002
3. GUILIANA 2002
4. LAURETTA 2003
5. KIANA 2003
6. TAMIRA 2003
7. AIMEE 2003 limited Edition by Anke Gotz-Beyer
8. LOURRAINE 2003 limited Edition

The first one I found is called Lauretta. I show her in her original outfit first, and in outfits I made myself.

 LAURETTA in her original outfit. A scarf an a hat are missing. Otherwise she is perfect.

Lauretta in different outfit I made myself.

Knitted outfit:
(This dress-pattern is from Debonair-Design)

Enjoy my Lauretta!