Saturday 16 July 2016

GÖTZ DOLL KIANA - Götz Puppe Kiana

Now today, I'm going to show an extraordinary doll to you.
When I started looking for her, I didn't realize, how wonderful this doll is. With her red hair and black eye-lashes, she is a very charming girl. Kiana came out in the year 2003 and is very hard to find these days.
My Kiana is not wearing her original outfit - (I am still  looking for it), but she wears similar selfmade trousers, a blouse with a belt and a hat in the colours of her origin outfit. The nice bag she has got, is added.
I've got hundreds of pictures of her...

Kiana and Lauretta shown in a knitted dress together:

And with their original outfit. Usually their are wearing their original outfit. (Though I haven't got the original for Kiana yet)